The history of Football in Uganda dates back to 1897 when the British, led by Mr. Pilkington, a...
The NCS National District Outreach Programme has successfully been concluded in Central, Western and West Nile Regions of Uganda. The National Programme is meant to collectively review the status quo of sports in the districts and jointly help in laying new strategies / chart a new way forward for grassroots sports development as well as to revive the district sports councils. Earlier, the Eastern and Northern regions of Uganda were visited.
The Outreach Programme had NCS hold interactive meetings with District Leaders; Resident District Commissioners, Chief Administrative Officers, LCV Chairpersons, District/Municipal Sports Officers and District Education Officers in the 3 Regions to deliberate on issues related to Sports Development Programmes and initiatives at District level and inspect District Sports Facilities.
NCS recognizes the pivotal role played by District local governments as key stakeholders in the development of community / grassroots sports development. NCS therefore does not only find it appropriate but very important to conduct district sports outreaches as one of the ways / strategies to throw the sports net wider as it tries to fulfill its mandate.
NCS Outreach Programme has the objectives to;
i. Meet District leaders and other key stakeholders in the district to discuss and share experiences peculiar to the district and consequently come up with a way forward for sports enhancement in the district.
ii. Appeal to the District leadership and policy/ decision makers to consider allocating reasonable funding for sports development and execution of programs.
iii. Find out whether the relevant sports structures exist in the District; viz District Sports Officers, District Sports Councils, District sports Associations etc and if non-existent, then propose an appropriate frame work for their establishment in the District.
iv. Get to know the active sports disciplines being practiced in the Districts out the 51 recognized sports disciplines by government.
v. Establish whether the District has a Sports Development program in place.
vi. Interface/ hold interactive discussions with the key stakeholders in the district in respect to sports development agenda, discuss the challenges faced in the delivery of sports services and consequently draw up solutions/ interventions to mitigate the identified challenges.
vii. To ascertain the status, quality and standard of sports facilities if any in Districts, Cities, Municipalities.
viii. Appeal to the District leadership to gazette and acquire separate titles for land earmarked for sports infrastructure development, jealously protect the existing facilities from land grabbers and encroachers and give some reasonable care of/maintenance of such available facilities.
ix. Look at possible areas of collaboration between NCS and Local Governments geared towards sports development in the district and the country as a whole.
x. To Revitalize District Sports Councils.
xi. To support District Sports with assorted sports equipment.
xii. To sensitize districts about the mandate of NCS.
NCS holds the conceived belief that the revitalization, establishment and functionalization of District Sports Councils can go a long way to revamp the practice, the development and transformation of sports in the districts. This process begins with district visits.
NCS also believes that its functional structure cannot be complete without the existence of functional DSCs in the country. Through the district sport outreach visits NCS was be able to capture and share challenges encountered in the communities and jointly come up with workable strategies/interventions on how such prevailing hindrances can addressed.
Working closely with districts leaders, NCS believes it shall be able to promote and support mass participation and high –performance sports development as part of the transforming agenda for the sports sub-sector in Uganda.